Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Arriving home, I found the urge to silence resistable, and meekly enough said what needed to be said, even if it was only necessary to me. My mind was cleared then, and Love could again grab hold of my heart. Oftentimes, in past days, I would take the opportunity to linger about the vicinity of my house, looking into the sky, lit by the dim sparkle of emotionless hot vapors which somehow stir the deepest imaginings of our hardly utilized hearts. And they are not tapped for their potential, at least mine is not, because for some reason I am so dull as to not be absolutely floored by the greatness of the whole entity which is our universe. And I suppose it is not really the matter and the enrgy that is important, but the imperishable Creator of such. A God Untamable, who in His absolute Glory which I am told of and see yet fail to truly comprehend, loves Creatures such as me, with the smallest hearts and the most stubborn, rebellious, and selfish of minds. This concept I do not quite understand for if I did, I know I truly would be in perfect peace forever. But I do suppose I must wait until I am dead to cull that reward. For now the fleeting moments like these should suffice. Sweet and beautiful ironies, like a deadlocked curve of asphalt brimming with life and movement... those should hold me over for now. But my heart yearns for more than that. I know that is what awaits me when I leave here and see my Father, and my Savior, who saved me from this crazy world, from the sure fate of hell. I have done nothing to deserve it, I have nothing of my own! I did not enter this world by my force of will, nor will I leave by it, so what right have I to anything! God I hope I live this way, that my talk is not empty, but pregnant with the hope of things to come, and the assurance of such. I am weak but You are strong. When my heart condemns me, or when my heart fails me, you are greater than my heart, and you are the strength of my heart. You know this already Lord, but I suppose I write this for encouragement for anyone who reads. I don't know if it will encourage, but You can make it so for someone. Oh Lord, what a fool am I for you, I babble on and on, and for that I apologize.

Love you.

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